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Manchester City Vs Barcelona: Who Would Survive Unbeaten?

The terrific English side and the Spanish giants remain the only unbeaten clubs in Europe. The English side Manchester City is currently enjoying their best season and the best for English league for 47 years.

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ProjectVulcan4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

City have had a great start but in part helped by the fact their fixtures have fell nicely for them.

This is about to end. Between now and the 18th of December they have to play Napoli away, a confident Liverpool on Sunday and a revitalized Arsenal in the Carling cup away next week. Then the extremely strong Bayern where they may need a result, Chelsea away in the league and then Arsenal in the league all before Christmas. I would be surprised if they remain unbeaten and clear at the top after these games in one months time.

Before the end of January they also have to face Liverpool again and Spurs in the league.

If you actually look at the fixtures in the league for City and consider the more difficult games stacking up elsewhere. Look at Manchester United's fixtures and games played so far. United's only top 7 games in the league between now and Arsenal in the last week of January is Newcastle home and away. My money is on United being top of the league maybe before Christmas but by the end of January.

Gamer19824583d ago

Yeah because United,Spurs and Newcastle wern't all hard games? We beat United at Old Trafford comfortably and so stop talking about fixtures unlike Newcastle this weekend who hadn't come up against anybody. You just sound like an upset and jealous United fan who hopes we drop points and your gonna be dissapointed as right now City are steam rolling everybody. Unlike Manchester United who have to win by gifted goals last week and own goals the week before.

Anderson84583d ago

^ you have some anger issues...

most games are cumfortable when you play against 10men

OT.. i dont see city going unbeaten for the entire season though they wont lose many.. and 3 points are 3 points it doesn't matter how you get them

ProjectVulcan4583d ago

Looks like Napoli has just ended your rather short Champions league adventure Gamer1982. You were saying something about steamrollering everyone and there is little hope of you dropping points against good sides......?

Gamer19824580d ago

CL and PL are two differnt kettles of fish. City have zero CL experience and will learn from it this year. The PL is what us fans want the CL can wait.

ProjectVulcan4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

Yes i agree with Anderson about your anger issues and 10 man comment. City played Spurs when United did, when Spurs were struggling for form. They have found their feet now.

Newcastle have done well and yes again it is quite a bit down to their favourable fixture list. Not ONLY down to it, but undeniably a major factor in their current position. Realistically Newcastle will not be in 4th place in the new year, lets not pretend they will. They are a good side but not top 4 or 5 material over the course of a season.

I can talk about fixtures all i like because when you have not played Arsenal, Liverpool or Chelsea yet this season then you have not faced all your major rivals and seen how you will perform against higher class opposition consistently, not one offs which is exactly what the United game was.

If City beat all these teams they they will deserve the right to be called favourites. If they beat all of them and do not drop points i will also eat my hat.

Manchester City fans desperately need a dose of realism it seems, especially after reading your comments. I look forward to this happening in the coming weeks. Wait and see.

Sahil4583d ago

hell.. I will eat my entire house :D

Gamer19824580d ago

Arsenal really? They are nothing without RVP and we are capable of stopping him as for Chelsea well they are having problems of there own right now with 2 wins in 6 games. Only liverpool is a hard game for us. Sick of this played nobody and utd 10 men crap. Like we wern't winning before Evans got sent off.

ProjectVulcan4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

I love how you think you are walking over everybody and dismissing the other top sides as easy games LOL. City looked better on the scoreboard at United against 11 but not better on the field before Evans went off.

This is massive arrogance that is completely undeserved. Talk about deluding yourselves after only 12 games. I hope that the players share your overconfidence and unrealistic attitude.

Your reality check began in the week against Napoli, expect it to continue. I bet you had that down as an easy game too, despite the fact you were well beaten on even terms.

People should be citing City's easy start to the season as contributing to their current position, because its entirely true and you will have to acknowledge this by the end of this year.

Nes_Daze4583d ago

Barca may lose against Real, but Mourinho's team is undisciplined and weak when facing pressure, they won't get far. Besides, Real has already lost against Levante, who can't beat them??

Gamer19824583d ago

Its going to be a great match especially for the neutrals and especially after what happened in the last match.

kulka4583d ago

neither will be unbeaten both both have a great chance becoming champions in the league

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