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Fulham 1-0 Liverpool

Spearing red card 72nd minute

Dempsey goal 85th minute

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zeddy4571d ago

great performance by carrol as usual.

Killzoned4570d ago

£35million price tag that under-performs so badly!
Liverpool fans will carry on saying give him more time lmao

buddymagoo4570d ago

Suarez giving Fulham fans the finger, this guy is just scum.

Corepred44570d ago

Why? Cause he's human? don't be so sen-si-tive (limp wrist)

Gamer19824569d ago

And Rooney swearing to the cameras in front of millions if better right buddymagoo? Also you always go on about me on united articles and your on liverpool articles. Pot, Kettle, Black.

kulka4571d ago

The ref was a joke how was that a red card ? Liverpool were the better side until this

proudly_X4571d ago

liverpool sucks at small matches...

I thought the ref was wrong with sending off balotelli in Anfield..??? funny enough, that's how things work.. Man city absorbed liverpool with 10 men and had a clear chance with silva, but Liverpool couldn't do same against fulham...

guigsy4571d ago

I agree to some extent but players are asking for it when they dive in with two feet off the ground.

Anyway, the red card didn't lose you the game, Pepe Reina did. He makes far too many mistakes for such a highly-rated keeper.

RedDevils4571d ago

I found it weird why Liverpool so crap against small team, but completely different when playing against title contender

Infernostew4570d ago

If you lunge in like that you're always giving yourself a good chance of getting sent off.

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Nes_Daze4571d ago

Now I know that City is the most consistent team I've seen so far in the PL. Might be wrong soon, but for now, it seems that way.

dcortz20274570d ago

It's like Liverpool are a completely different team when they go up against smaller teams. They play so much better against top teams.

Gamer19824569d ago

Agreed a couple of teams in the prem are like this. Everton were until last season.

Sahil4570d ago

^^ WOW.. United fans and their love for Liverpool.. great scenes!

buddymagoo4570d ago

It was not so long ago I was saying this to you. So it is ok for you lot to comment on our articles but not us on yours.

Your team is crap and we just love rubbing it in, that is all. 19.

buddymagoo4570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

So what? Prmier League champions my friend.

1 Club world cup! Oh and 4 of those five were when it was a cup and not a league (mean nothing.)

City fan now, are you? It's that bad for Liverpool? City got one lucky result, one! Just like when Chelsea beat us 5-0 at OT. We grew stronger and came back and look where Chelsea are now!


Sahil4570d ago

Just SIT and watch your team getting Knocked out of anther cup come January. So what!

Gamer19824569d ago

haha @buddymagoo just 1 result eh? So the FA cup semi Final early this year didn't count right? You united fans bang on about the past but only when it suits you. We are the future you are the past even Rooney saw it and wated to leave last December. His exact reason was he doesn't see united going forward. He could see what everybody except you united fans can your losing it and we are not chelsea. They made a flaw and didn't prepare for the future one mistake we are not making with our new world beating training/youth development grounds.

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