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'Fernando Torres is not for sale at any price' – Chelsea boss Andre Villas-Boas

Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas has insisted that misfiring striker Fernando Torres will not leave the club in January or the summer.

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Corepred44561d ago

I'm sure it's just because of the price they paid for him. They need to do something about him though, he's pretty much robbed Chelsea. I still want him to succeed but that window is closing slowly.

The_Devil_Hunter4561d ago

YOu stole the words from my mouth.. LOL

Grip4561d ago

bucz he ain't worth a penny

Corepred44561d ago

Come on man, don't over exaggerate.

The_Devil_Hunter4561d ago

I just want Torres to succeed in the rest of his soccer career, he is the reason why I play soccer today, I remember I was in middle school when I first saw him play in 2006 world cup, he is the reason why I love football.

ngecenk4560d ago

Mario Gomez when bought from stuttgart also has this experience in his first season. im sure Torress can do much when the other striker cant do much anymore.