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Sir Alex Ferguson plays down Man United transfer talk: I'm happy with the strength of our squad

The Red Devils have been linked with a number of top names in the lead up to the January transfer window but the Scot has indicated that he doesn't feel the need to make changes

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Abdou234551d ago

Another frustrating statement from SAP.

KingPin4550d ago

SAP? Sir Alex Pherguson?

really Abdou23? really?

how long have you been supporting MUFC for? seriously.

neoragex4550d ago

you are the one whose making it more bad. PHERGUSON!

maybe he meant.. alex poopson?

Abdou234550d ago

What is it with everyone questioning the loyalty of people ? So because i don't support Real Madrid for example it would be okay if i misspelled their manager's name? what was his name again? oh i don't know because i don't really support them. You making all this noise over a typo? get over yourself. it's not like you have season tickets at the Old Trafford or anything.

KingPin4550d ago (Edited 4550d ago )


you must be just as slow to not know i was being sarcastic.


a typo is pressing a button thats next to the one you were meant to press (eg: SAO) or not pressing a button you supposed to (eg: SA)
but if you look at your keyboard closely, P and F are miles from each other. Also, its a different thing spelling a name wrong, but dude, you abbreviated it and still got it incorrect.

neoragex4550d ago

he's just a kid leave him alone :)


I fucking hope he is a kid.

GanjaMan4551d ago

This is just getting silly now, if being knocked out of the carling cup and champions league doesn't mean you need to invest then I don't know what does! + I'm not even a United fan.

KingPin4550d ago

i dont think SAF wont buy any players but at the same time he wont just buy whoever is available for the sake of buying.

there have been previous articles stating that SAF would buy players if the ones on their list become available in the Jan transfer window.

mcstorm4550d ago

Your right there but what really naffs me off about some united fans is that get knocked out a cup or have a bad season and they start to question SAF. Some united fans need to realise that we can not win the league or even a cup every year it is not possible. We but look at where we are in he league and we have 9 players out at the moment plus this has been our 3rd best start under SAF in his time at united.
Yes I am not happy we are out the champions league but we did not play well in the champions league but since being knocked out it has woken the players up and we are playing some of the best football we have played in a long time. The people need to remember SAF is laying the foundations of a new squad this season and if we go on and win the league this year with the way things have gone this year then yet again SAF has proved you a wrong standard.
In SAF we trust United we stand.

Kos-Mos4550d ago

United-Wigan 5-0
Go back to yer weed kiddo.

GanjaMan4550d ago (Edited 4550d ago )

Lmao what about all the other results: Man city vs Unied 6-1,
Crystal Palace vs United 2-1, Basel vs United 2-1 just to name a few +
No champions league and carling cup for you this year!
Go back to your delusional world that you live in.

Kos-Mos4550d ago

Looking at the history of United with all the transfers and all the titles we have won; yes go back to yer weed kiddo.

GanjaMan4550d ago

Hahhaa you completely blanked how i mentioned you got thrashed at old trafford 6-1 and how you have no champions league or carling cup this year, that just about sums you up, your just another delusional united fan.

no_more_heroes4550d ago (Edited 4550d ago )

I actually think its a bargaining tactic. If the clubs you're buying from know that you need one of their players, they'll probably see that as an opportunity to jack the price up further. The thinking of the selling club is "if you REALLY want our player, you'll pay the price we're asking for."

If the buyer approaches them like "We're interested, but only for this much. We don't need YOU'RE player specifically. We can always go somewhere else with our money to get what we want." It will help to (somewhat) reduce the asking price, especially if the club is strapped for cash (like most of them are nowadays).

That's the simplified version anyhow.

Of course, he may also mean he really doesn't plan on buying anybody. :P

Gamer19824550d ago

I agree it is a bargaining tool but also he's right in the sense that in the domestic league at least they are stronger right now and there youngsters will improve. Champions League position was lost because of domestic league in my opinion as he cares more for not losing the league to City than he does about Champions League.

Abdou234550d ago

Anyone who doesn't think that MAN UTD in a desperate need of a top-class midfielder is mentally retarded.This has nothing to do with loyalty or achieving every championship. And i really started to believe that it may be really a bargaining tool,because there are a lot of rumours connecting MAN UTD with other midfielder like Gaitan - Eriksen - Modric, and the transfer talks with Sneijder last summer were true.

Kos-Mos4550d ago

You must have been born out of your mother`s ass.