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kulka4519d ago

Finally a good performance from Liverpool we outplayed City completely today well done lads now keep it up Bellamy and Kuyt were superb today

freeduck4519d ago

Well deserved win. Hart made some ridiculous saves that night and Reina had little to do all night. What a great response from the squad after last weekend.
Bellamy MOTM for miles and miles.

With the right attitude, LFC shouldn't have a problem beating Cardiff.

Hope LFC can repeat the performance against Utd.

buddymagoo4519d ago

Liverpool really outplayed them. I hate to say it but I hope they go on the win the Carling Cup now.

ad4mb4519d ago

haha, I wouldn't go that far :D

buddymagoo4518d ago

Yeah, I think I just had a rush of blood to my head. I think more than anything it will stop Liverpool fans moaning about a lack of silverware. I've been hearing to much of that over the last couple of years.

Anderson84518d ago

you shoudl beat them comfortably but you always struggle against the weaker teams so its up in the air

GanjaMan4519d ago

I'v always hated that fat ugly idiot of a ref and today gave me another reason to hate him, is he blind, seriously? how the fuck was that a penalty!?
+ he was standing right by it the blind wanker.

Raggi014518d ago

Not only that, but when Adam kicked Dzeko in the foot and fouled him in the box, when the ball was nowhere near Adam, that was not called as a penalty. The incompetence and stupidity these referees bestow is astounding.

Ninjamonkey824518d ago

City falling apart at the seems....

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