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Suarez reignites Evra row as angry United skipper grabs striker after handshake snub

"Patrice Evra was left fuming after race-row rival Luis Suarez dramatically snubbed him in a pre-match handshake as the pair went face-to-face for the first time since their controversial fallout at Old Trafford.

The pair became bitter enemies following their controversial clash at Anfield last October when Suarez was later found guilty of racially abusing the Frenchman and forced to serve an eight-ban ban." Daily Mail


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danikagrace4503d ago

Wow, what a despicable attitude. So shocking!

NewMonday4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

the classless scumbag was Ferg with his comments, and Evra is a classless scumbag for trying to start trouble with Suarez in the tunnel, but Suarez to his credit just ignored him and that is class.

Infernostew4503d ago

You're delusional! You actually believe the reason Suarez didn't shake his hand was over a comment Fergie made? He was never planning on shaking Evra's hand because he's a classless scumbag.

ProjectVulcan4502d ago (Edited 4502d ago )

You are talking rubbish. If Suarez had an ounce of class he would have shook hands, drawn a line under it all and made a statement in the game instead of doing what he did, knowing full well it would overshadow anything anyone did in the match.

But as he has continually proven throughout his career, for Uruguay, for Ajax, for Liverpool, he is a nasty little man who deserves to be vilified.

Utterly disgraceful, a match to Liverpool's shocking handling of the situation.

Infernostew4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

Classless. This is extremely uncalled for and proves that Suarez is a little twat.

krazykombatant4502d ago

I would be pissed as well if I missed 8 matches for a total b.s.

On the matter at hand Fergia can go shove his thoughts on what Liverpool should do with suarez, up his @ss, he doesn't have to speak for the other club.

Infernostew4502d ago

Fergie was asked a question and he answered it. I don't see what the big deal is. Queen Kenny can do whatever he wants. Not like many of these guys are going to stick around so they can win the Johnstone's Paint trophy every year.

Anderson84503d ago

and yet people will still find a way to defend him... if what he did was all a misunderstanding why refuse a handshake

kulka4502d ago (Edited 4502d ago )

Because he got him banned for 8 games ?
@ I think Suarez believes he is not a racist and was falsely accused and I have no idea why appeal was not made but yes they could have moved on...

buddymagoo4502d ago

He had a right to appeal but he accepted the ban. Evra did not ban him, the FA did. If Suarez has anger with anyone, it should be the FA.

Evra wanted to move on and we all could have had Suarez shook his hand. Suarez has done no favours for Liverpool football club.

NewMonday4502d ago

Evra did lie and change his comments to aggravate the charge, we actually read the 100* page report

and an appeal would just go back to the same FA

and going to a European court would need the sanction of the same FA

and all the media and race organisations were pleading to Liverpool to just role with it and move on

and before the game Ferg tries to rube our noses in it and you want Suarez to go all smiles and shake the hand of a scumbag

buddymagoo4502d ago (Edited 4502d ago )

I read the report and I also read the admission that Suarez called Evra a little Negrito.

He admitted it on a radio station. What more do you want??? Stop defending a man that admitted the charge and didn't appeal. You sound ridiculous!

It was the Liverpool camp that was igniting the row with recent comments from Kenny. They could have kept quite but they kept making ridiculous statements like Suarez should never have been banned although they chose not to appeal (admission of guilt). Unlike Chelsea with Terry.
Get over yourself!

Stop making a mockery of the fight against racism. Accept it and move on. Stop draggging your club through dirt. We wouldn't be talking about it if Suarez shook his hand and the fans just accepted their decision not to appeal.

KingPin4502d ago

falsely accused?

he admitted to using the n-word 9 times.


NewMonday4502d ago

their goes the crazy band again, i will be really shocked if you lot actually believe what you say.

he said what Spanish speakers say casually, even your Hernandez uses the term.

and the facts are :
*Suarez only said it once, and Evra only reported the one indecent to the ref.
*Evra said to his boss and friends it was 5 times
*Evra claimed to TV reporter it was 10 times
*in the report Evra claimed it was 7 times
*Evra called Suarez a "seduca" and all you "outraged" lot ignore it, and you want respect from us. just P!!$ off

silvacrest4502d ago

a true man with common sense would look to squash this beef if given the chance, suarez is trash and he proved it today and he ignited the feud all over again

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4502d ago
HOSe4503d ago

liverpool is a garbage team. 2 goals in 4 minutes out of half is trash.

kulka4502d ago

You realise that United conceded two goals in 4 minutes against chelsea so you're saying united is garbage as well ?

iDived_uMad4502d ago

" liverpool is a garbage " is either coming from a mexican or stupid yank! ... childish mothabenders. ay evra is an idiot, thank god suarez didnt shake that french cunt hands.