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Champions League - Mourinho backs Chelsea 'heroes'

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho has backed his former club Chelsea to beat Bayern Munich in the Champions League final.

Deprived of a meeting with Chelsea after seeing Madrid fall to a penalty shootout defeat to Bayern in Wednesday's semi-final, he was clear about who he hoped would win.

“Chelsea mean a lot in my life and I would like them to win the final,’’ said Mourinho.

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Nes_Daze4427d ago

Doubt Chelsea can beat Bayern....

silvacrest4427d ago

the same thing was said about benfica, napoli, barca..

right now, chelsea has a good chance against anyone

4426d ago
silvacrest4426d ago

thats your opinion, luck played a role, no doubt about that, but dont think luck only and not skill got them to the final

Nes_Daze4426d ago

Their defend/counterattack little game won't do anything against Bayern. A handball was not called for Benifica, and Napoli simply looked like they choked. Just things to consider.

silvacrest4425d ago

you need to remember that we are not barca, we can change the way we play, we dont even play the defend/counter attack game usually

barca are a attacking/possession side so chelsea adapted accordingly, we will do the same against bayern

you keep coming up with excuses, just accept whats happening

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