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Dalglish sacked! Liverpool legend given the boot by American owners

Kenny Dalglish has paid the price for Liverpool's disastrous Barclays Premier League campaign after the Anfield legend was sensationally axed by the club's American owners on Wednesday.

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freeduck4408d ago (Edited 4408d ago )

According to reports he stepped down he wasn't sacked. The owners said a few weeks ago that they would support him next season.

No LFC fan is happy about this, Dalglish really needs another season.

zeddy4408d ago

if it was any other manager he'd be gone before january. he did a rubbish job in the league and is lucky to have survived this long. get rafa back, they should have given him a 10 year contract, he totally transformed lfc from mediocre to a great team, but they sacked him after one bad season instead.

freeduck4408d ago

Fergie didn't have success his first few seasons at Utd either, why didn't he get sacked after his first full season? Managers deserve chances. Dalglish is a winner, but he won't bring instant success


Because back then clubs didn't have impatient foreign billioniare owners who know f*ck all about football.

ProjectVulcan4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Sorry but you cannot spend 130 million and finish clearly behind your rivals in the league who have spent virtually nothing in the same time span.

In fact can any top half team spend 130m in 18 months and justify NOT being able to challenge for the top 6? Good god if Moyes was given that cash he would make Everton top 6 and he started from a weaker base.

You could pick apart the individual deals like Downing: 0 assists, 0 goals, or how Aguero cost about the same as Carroll except Aguero has been world class (30 goals in his first season) and Carroll has been mediocre at best over the season.

Its not like you can particularly argue he is playing in a weaker side either, the likes of Steven Fletcher at Wolves and Yakubu at Blackburn have comfortably outscored him in the league and they are at pitifully poor sides.

Kenny seemed to me sadly a man long out of touch with the modern game, at Newcastle and then Celtic he started to look well out of it and that decade away did nothing but blunt his managerial prowess further.

Really, honest to god I am not one for encouraging managers to be sacked I often talk here about time needed for some guys but seriously even i think that it is the right decision to move on.

NewMonday4407d ago

Kenny belongs to another time

- he can't understand the modern game
- he keeps denying the mistakes
- he plays favorites with British players and freezes out better more experienced ones like Kyut and Maxi, Merelis didn't even wait and left because of this
- he keeps shuffling the team.
- the player don't respect him

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GanjaMan4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

hahaaha ur such a delusional lpool fan, he didnt step down he got the sack! the yanky owners wanted queen kenny to step down and have a higher role in the club but still work alongside a new manager (cause they knew ku klux kenny wasnt good enough to manage lpool) but he declined so the owners basically told him to fuck off

Gamer19824407d ago

Dalglish bought bad wasting nearly 100 million on Adam, Henderson, Carroll and Downing and still managed to put Liverpool in their worst league position in over 40 years. Now that's a skill! City Spent less last window and went up 2 places to win the title. That's the differnce and thats what got him sacked. Liverpools owners are not made of money they might be wealthy but they are no Abramovich or Sheikh Monsour.

Sahil4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

"City Spent less last window and went up 2 places to win the title."

What bout the last 2 years, you spent 400m or something.. what did you win.. you idiot.. oh yeah.. that half a billion of money won you an FA Cup.

badz1494407d ago

who ever is taking over will have a 100+ mil worth of liability which, if sold back won't even bring them close to $50 mil!

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freeduck4408d ago

Mark Lawrenson: "Kenny himself will be really seriously disappointed. If you talk to the majority of Liverpool fans who actually went to games they will say the team actually played really well. Major surgery wasn't required.

Sums it up really

GanjaMan4407d ago

dosnt matter even if u played the best football in the world u still finished 8th (would have bin 9th if it wernt for goal diff)

Sahil4407d ago

It's been 7 years right?

kingdavid4407d ago

Liverpool fans in denial again.

Kenny was worse than Roy Hodgson.

FootballZilla4408d ago

I know liverpool fans who wanted him to fu*k off.. carroll and hendo signings were ridiculous

Mozilla894407d ago

I wonder if FSG will go for someone younger like AVB. I'd like to see him back in the EPL. Bringing Rafa back would be good at least for some of his interviews.

"White liquid in a bottle is not always milk."

lol I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.

freeduck4407d ago

Rafa, AVB, and Martinez are likely contenders

Rafa would bring us back in the champions league and he would bring in young talent, plus he loves the club
AVB could possibly bring something fresh to the club and wouldn't have to deal with old players (only ones left are Carra and Gerrard)
Martinez is one I'm skeptical about, has no real success, would rather have Brendan Rodgers.

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