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Week #3 Prediction Contest & Comment Contest Winners.

Hey guys,

Yet another Awesome, Competitive Week. :D


Comment Contest Winner: *cabbitwithscissors* ( $100 Amazon Gift Card )

( Winner was picked on 'Friday 21st of April', That's When Week #3 Entries Were Closed And Week #4 Contest Started From Saturday 22nd of April )

( Winner Was Randomly Drawn )
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League Matches Prediction Contest Winner: *KingPin* ( $50 Amazon Gift Card )

Was pretty sure that 'Sahil' might take the win again but 'KingPin' wasn't about to let that happen, he Won Week#3 of the 'League Matches Prediction Contest' by correctly predicting 14 results.
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Week#4 Comments Contest is in progress, this is the Last week of the month which mean the last Comment Contest of the Month as well, so take advantage of it and comment as much as you can, who knows, you just might take the prize this week.

Note-- Learning now that you won doesn't mean you'll get the winnings early as well, all the winnings from all Contests will be paid out by the end on next month.

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KingPin2602d ago

wow...well that was unexpected.
i didn't even put any draws in my predictions.
congrats to the other winner too.

looking forward to week 4. keep it up guys.

2602d ago
coolbeans2602d ago

Congrats to both winners.

sonicwrecks2600d ago

Well done to the winners!