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FootballZilla - 11x2 Moderator


CRank: 38Score: 439800

11x2 Fantasy Premier League - GW20 Update -

Monthly Table Top 5:

1 - Sahil - 283
2 - Karim - 276
3 - Freeduck - 269
4 - JohnsonBat - 264
5 - The Hunter- 254


Season Table Top 5:

1 - Sahil - 891
2 - FootballZilla - 877
3 - Jak3y13oy - 871
4 - JohnsonBat - 843
5 - Anderson8 - 799



Prize Monthly Winner: $50

Prizes for Season Top 3:
For 1st Place: $500
For 2nd Place: $250
For 3rd Place: $100

Congrats to the top five and good luck for next week.

- FZ

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FootballZilla4179d ago

Sahil has been on fire... i need to pick it up or he will runaway with the top spot..

Sahil4179d ago

Yayyy.. two in a row, Thanks to Suarez :)