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Loves Me, Loves Me Not

Like almost any good football website, right after the transfer window slams shuts (and it always slams shut as BBC Sport's Chris Bevan puts it), there is an opinion piece about it. So here's one for this site.

First thing first; so many people were saying yesterday that why do all the clubs wait until the last hour of the transfer window to do the business. And it literally is the last minute, so much so that Chelsea had the need to have a helicopter sent. And we saw this last time in the van der Vaat transfer. And then it wasn't far ago when Manchester City made their mark by capturing Robinho. My answer is, for the same reason every team hurries to win the match in the last 5 minutes of the 90. Somehow most managers do not know how to live without making everyone nervous. And its good, to some extent. Highly entertaining. So entertaining that there were so many written broadcasts of the transfer deadline day.

But it made for a great time. Unlike last summer some actual transfers happened. In my opinion Liverpool should be the happiest. And Newcastle on the other end. Liverpool let go of one out of form striker to get two in form strikers. Chelsea gave away 50 million of the hard earned Roman Abrahimovich pounds, and got an out of form striker. And Newcastle just have a better bank balance and now they have to play with Ameobi up front! He should be in League Two, he's that bad.

"Mind you, I've been here during bad times too. One year we came second." - Bob Paisley, Shankly's sucessor. 1979.

This is what Liverpool have to live up to. I wonder how much of the money spent was because of the pressure that if nothing was spent in January, Gerrard might leave the 'Little Club', as Morinho once called it. Anyway, if nothing else, I rate Liverpool's chance of Europa League success a lot better than before. As Phill McNulty says, "the blockbusting £35m capture of Carroll demonstrates that a big club mentality has returned to Liverpool." So maybe some good things to come from the Kop.

Now to the Blues. I wonder if Torres will play tonight, I don't want to go and check. I'll just wait for the match and be surprised in either case. (Laziness personified!) I have said this so many times, to the utter annoyance of all my Chelsea supporting friends, that Torres is an out of form striker for and out of form club. And while everyone is talking about Torres scoring in the game against Liverpool (yes he can play in it), has anyone thought of the much brighter possibility of Lou and Andy scoring, and beating Chelsea? A revival of Liverpool? (And yes Lou and Andy will either be as hit as the TV show or the joke of the century, in any case good for us neutrals. For people who don't know about Lou and Andy see the following video.)

Now for the non-movers of the market (sorry for the phrase, but I'm an economics student), Manchester United and Arsenal. Arsenal not buying anyone during this window was very surprising. Does Wenger really expect to win with Squillaci and Koscielney (why does he buy little known French players whose names are so hard to spell that I have to use Google for them!). And the only reason Arsenal lose in recent times is because of his team selections. Maybe its just me, but he is too slow with substitutions and buying players. I'm not saying he should break the bank, but have some cover. As for United, they absolutely have no mid-field. And I really expected them to get a good mid-fielder to run the game for them. When Giggs does not play, they have a problem. And depending on him to take them all the way this season might be very risky.

In all this, I forgot about the transfer kings! Yes, Manchester City. They just have so much money, they can't help it. They should just ask the FA for the price of a trophy and buy the damn thing! I mean they could have bought the entire bottom half of the Premier League and then paid them to lose every match to them and win that way too (God! And I still have to save up for a new computer!). Apart from this, they have taken the roles of destroying players. Exception being Tevez.

Finally, some praise for Balckpool, for holding on the Charlie Adam. They are really serious about staying up in the Premier League. Warding off Liverpool and also United allegedly, has to be a great feat when you look at the stature of Balckpool.

All in all, it was a great Transfer Deadline Day. Only disappointments coming from north London from Arsenal and Tottenham. Spurs, in my opinion, do not need any more players, but I wanted something like van der Vaart to happen again!

*Arsenal did get some Japanese player, don't remember his name, but for me they did nothing this transfer window.

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no_more_heroes4877d ago

Unfortunately, you're right about Arsenal. I'm scratching my head wondering the same thing.

And not only did Blackpool hold on to Charlie Adam (there was a late bid from Tottenham as well that would have gone through but for a few extra minutes on the clock), but they brought in about three or so players as well. I really hope they stay up, they've been a breath of fresh air.

rafay4877d ago (Edited 4877d ago )

They have been this year's Birmingham haven't they? Really nice! But what's happened to Birmingham this year?? Lol

Oh and thanks for commenting! :)

MasterGuru4877d ago

Excellent blog! Where's the like button when you need one?

rafay4877d ago

Aww.. you make me go blush MG!! LOL..

Anyway, thanks :)

Maradona4877d ago

You can press the pluss button on rafay and choose, well said for example.But I agree that you should have the opportunity to vote a blog.

karim4877d ago

You forgot the fact that Andy Caroll is injured and "weeks away" from his Liverpool debut and that Luis Suarez is having some work permit issuuers (reportedly) so Liverpool MIGHT face Chelsea without their two new signings.

You also forgot the fact that City DID spend in January...It was Dzeko.

ALSO,Chelsea recently won 2-4 (their revenge) against Sunderland,they played magnificent football,though the defence was terrible but I am positive it will 90% better when D.Luiz is played alongside Terry and Ivanovic switch to his usual RB position,Torres is like Rooney to be able to perform he need good assistance (aka good team-mates who CAN deliver) Chelsea has Malouda,Anelka,Essien,Lamps,Ra mires and Even Drogba sometimes who are all creative,so Torres will be perfect for us.

By the way,nice blog keep it up!

rafay4877d ago (Edited 4877d ago )

I agree with the Chelsea part. But wouldn't go to say that Torres is perfect. Lets wait for a month for that.

For the Man City thing, I never said they didn't buy anyone. I just said that they should buy a trophy and save the players the trouble..

I did forget about Carroll's injury. And the work permit issues, I just read this;