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Goals and Highlights

Hi all!

I have a suggestion. The highlights that we all post, we should change the format to say;
"Goals: Chelsea 3-1 Norwich City (English Premier League - 27/8/11)"

Then someone can also find the full highlights package and then post it later on like this:
"Highlights: Chelsea 3-1 Norwich City (English Premier League - 27/8/11)"

Right after the game we can all see the goals. And then after some time, when there are the full highlights posted on Footytube or DailyMotion, we can post them here for the same match as well. I think this will make 11x2 even better!

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freeduck4669d ago

There are rarely full highlights on footytube/dailymotion. Uploaders tend to just compile the goals and move on.
If there is a site that has full highlights (that are at least like 8-10 min long, similar to the Sky Sports highlights) then your idea can work

rafay4669d ago

I don't care about what source you use. I think we can all find a good highlights package for every big game at least.

sokrates4669d ago

I think it's a good idea to differ it!

The Hunter4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

No thats not a good way.. The story type called Highlights, so thats the way you put "Highlights:" at the beginning of the headline.. for more info you can learn here:

If you find Extended Highlights, you can put "Extended Highlights:" at the beginning of the headline!

rafay4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Yeah laying down that standard was great, but some changes here and there won't hurt anyone. It's just a suggestion. Why don't we take a vote of the top 10 or 15 contributors with the most points and decide?

And if we agree to make the change, you can put up a new guide...

See sokrates comment below. :)

sokrates4669d ago

Can't see the problem calling it goals and highlights, instead of highlights and extended highlights... Both posted under highlights. It's just the names- more Easy to understand for new users and all in all it's the same thing. The idea is good!

rafay4669d ago

Lets put it to a vote amongst the top 10 or 15 contributors in the 'all time' list.