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CRank: 23Score: 346150

11x2 Fantasy Premier League - GW9 Update

OCTOBER Table Top 5:

1) Wumpa - 156
2) itsagiven - 146
3) QuickSilver Mokum - 134
4) South Cali FC - 129
5) Neoragex FC - 129

OVERALL Table Top 10:

1) Graphite - 476
2) Neoragex FC - 459
3) itsagiven - 441
4) Cookieknights - 421
5) South Cali FC- 421
6) SL Benfica - 420
7) Hyrule - 416
8) haruko fc - 415
9) Cannoni Dorato CF - 403
10) QuickSilver Mokum - 398


The whole table is here:

Congrats to the top five and good luck for next week.

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