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11x2 Admin


CRank: 5Score: 25340

November 2015 Winners

New jobs are hard and take up a lot of your time!

Also, hello! 2016 is almost over. That feels weird. It's like December sneaks up on me every year.

November 2015 Contest: Do the managing thing! Report and approve accurately, make sure to be careful about what's going on the site! In addition, there are contributor (total) bonuses!

Acquiring an infraction on your account disqualifies you~

Managing bits:
1st - $60 Gift Card - Stringerbell
2nd - $50 Gift Card - Spiewie
3rd - $40 Gift Card - micx
4th - $30 Gift Card - RetrospectRealm

Contributor (total) bits:
1st - $30 Gift Card - Alxe
2nd - $20 Gift Card - micx
3rd - $10 Gift Card - sonicwrecks

I unfortunately noticed some of my top users in the managing area callously making use of the 'Approve' button. They have been disqualified from winning for that month and had their privileges restricted for seven days.

I trust you all to look at and approve/report accurately. Micromanaging you, as autonomous humans, sounds like a nightmare, so being fine and good individuals and doing a good job on your own seems like a better option. Please be fine and good individuals!

Tickets going out in a moment.

Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all 11x2 users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
2. In the event of unforeseen circumstances 11x2/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
3. Prizes are not transferable.
4. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

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RetrospectRealm3104d ago (Edited 3104d ago )

Thanks a lot man!

I was trying to help at the beginning of the month with approving and stuff since this site had a blog post about having problems and you were giving out prizes, but everytime I came to look at the pending section, there was nothing there or all the submissions had reports on them. I gradually just stopped coming by. I'll try and come back more often though! Thanks. :D

Edit: I don't know what 11x2's policy is on reports, but I think there is an Agree button on a report for a reason. Six people reporting something as a Duplicate separately seems like a cheap grab at getting managing points.