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Cristiano Ronaldo wants to quit Real Madrid?

Cristiano Ronaldo has reportedly decided that he wants to leave Real Madrid.

The Portuguese attacker has established himself as Madrid's key player since arriving from Manchester United in 2009 for £80m.

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karim4294d ago

Very unlikely IMO, but puzzled over this mystery sadness

SilverKiller4293d ago

He is Sad cause he is not winning the prizes thathe want, and are giving to Barza or ex barza players lol

BritishUK4293d ago

Please pronounce it barca kiddo ' lol

Golden_Dive4294d ago

Why is he so sad?
anyone answer please?

goku323594294d ago

I forget, wasn't there an article like a week or two ago about something like this? A Ronaldo love triangle I think?

karim4294d ago

If I remember well, yesterday was his father's death anniversary

Anderson84294d ago

he said it was professional not personal..
i think he just wants an improved deal or something of the sort i doubt he'll leave madrid but if he does i hope he comes back to united

Straightupbeastly4293d ago

He wants more money, a better deal like Messi just got. He's pissed Madrid went out and bought Modric instead of using that money on his new contract.

He is scum. He is childish, selfish and self centered.

Corepred44293d ago

Did he bang your mom or something?? Lmao why do much hate?

Straightupbeastly4293d ago

Because I know he is a selfish scumbag. I'm surprised the football world worships him. In American sports, even if you're Godly at the sport, if you're selfish and self centered you're hated by the masses.

As a fan of a sport it's more important to me to be a good person first.

And no I'm not jealous. I'm a fan of many good looking, successful athletes, but they are good people. not Ronaldo.

Snakefist304293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

@Straightupbeastly How do u know those good looking, successful athletes are good people??Did u talk with them or did u meet them??People like u are the real scumbags.Bashing people who doesnt know anything abut them!!

Straightupbeastly4293d ago

I can tell how a person is just by looking at them, I'm that good.

And by a bad person I don't mean an abuser or a truly rotten person like that, I doubt Ronaldo is that way. By a scumbag I mean selfish, egotistical, self centered, greedy know

fanboygamer4293d ago

I think that is his public image more than anything. His self centered, selfish attitude helps him gets the sponsors he needs. Nothing wrong with trying to make more money.

No one knows what he is like real-life and most people under the age of 30 are probably not as mature as he probably is. All I am saying is not to judge a person/celebrity/athlete by his public image.

I reckon Ronaldo has probably lost his drive. He has always been a hard worker but probably after all these years he has burnt out and probably wants to live a more relaxing lifestyle without all the stress of competition.

i doubt he will leave/retire though since he is an athlete and will always have a drive to improve and be a better footballer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4293d ago
fei-hung4293d ago

Probably because he will always be 2nd to Messi and the he will never be loved or worshipped in football the way Messi is. Ronaldo knows and most people who follow football know that aslong as Messi is playing, Ronaldo will always be in his shadow.

KingPin4293d ago

"...he will never be loved or worshipped in football the way Messi is"

thats actually your personal opinion.

i rank ronaldo and messi top 2 in the world. whose better? i dont actually give a damn.

all i know in the world of football greats 40 years from now, you gonna have pele, maradona, ronaldo and messi <in no particular order>

any person that says ronaldo isn't as good as messi or vice-versa knows nothing about football. they are 2 different types of players with their own individual style of play. it works for them. to each his own.

some will argue when you take xavi and iniesta out the team, messi is hopeless. some will say ronaldo isnt as much of a team player as messi. and the arguments will go back and forth till you blue in the face.

this whole tactic of leaving is just to get a better contract as it will probably be ronaldo's last one. rooney did the same tactic at manchester not long ago.

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jak3y13oy4293d ago

If he does move from Madrid, i reckon he wont go back to United, United haven't got £80mil to spend.

I think he would want to play in a different league, Ligue 1 or Bundesliga?

So IMO he will move to either PSG (because of the money) or Bayern Munchen (because they are a quality team)

We will see in the future!

karim4293d ago

There's always Man City..

jak3y13oy4293d ago

Indeed there is.

I didn't include City because if he wanted to play in the EPL again, then he would want to go back to United but City have a lot of money so that may persuade him to go...

karim4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

The only 2 options for him are PSG and City, they're the only teams that can afford the transfer fee and his insane wages

jak3y13oy4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

or Anzhi Machkakalaka, but i agree with you, they are the only teams who could afford him!

Unless he never signs a new deal at Madrid and Madrid put him up for sale and he doesn't agree to Citys and PSG's contract because he wants to go to United and United buy him for £30mill!

That would be VERY unlikely though! :L

karim4293d ago

Best option for him is to sort out his "professional" issue and stay at a top club like Madrid

ProjectVulcan4293d ago

City can no longer afford to spent huge amounts like that because of FFP.

Already they are on a watch list no doubt right up there at the top for financial viability.

Snakefist304293d ago

Ronaldo's agent already said it has nothing to do with money. I think it's a lot less serious than this and it will turn out to be really silly once we find out. Something about a fight between him and marcelo la sexta are saying and it seems true.

dennett3164293d ago

What makes you think United don't have $80 million to spend? Let's assume he'd go back to them at that price (he wouldn't, it'll be less due to his age and length of time left on his contract), United are a top earning club and are easily paying off the debts the American owners levied against the club in order to buy it, while still making a profit. They've just spent over £40 million in this transfer window, and have spent more in previous ones.
And that all ignores the possibility of selling players in order to finance a move.
If he wanted to go to United, United could easily get him.

pompombrum4293d ago

If he moved back to utd, the deal would pay for itself. I think it took Madrid less than a year to make back the 82m or whatever they paid for him in merchandise and shirt sales. If he went back to utd, it'd be similar. Whether they can afford his wage demands alongside the amount they are paying Rooney and Van P is another question. With a bit of luck they can do a exchange deal to get rid of fatty or something.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4293d ago
pompombrum4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

Tbh he is probably annoyed of constantly being compared to Messi. Wherever he goes, if crowds want to shout abuse at him, it's just easier for them to chant "Messi Messi Messi Messi" as they do.

Now I don't claim to know what he is really like but the public perception of him is that he's a self centered egomaniac and if there is any truth to that, it's gotta be a real pain to constantly hearing Messi's name in your ear.

zeddy4293d ago

he just wants a bigger contract, that is all. its very sad for him indeed.