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Barcelona beware: If ever a player has been set up for a momumental fall, it is Neymar has exclusively revealed that Neymar is edging ever closer to a move to Barcelona, but will he be able to carry all the baggage he brings with him from Brazil?

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wantedboys4065d ago

Neymar is good player but he will never and cannot replace messi

Corepred44065d ago

I don't think that's what they're getting at.

Ike204065d ago

Me neither, don't think so...

2pacalypsenow4065d ago

hes not a replacement for messi he's more likely gonna be a wing player

Kos-Mos4065d ago

Is he any good at acting like a teenage-girl?

Ike204065d ago

Momumental? A typo, perhaps?

KONAAs4065d ago

neymar is not a European league player, he will be a failure, he is and for ever will be a brazil and american league player, mediocere in europe standards but good in america, another player in a bunch of players, barca fan

Linwelin4065d ago

what o.O

So American league players are not good enough to play in the BEST teams in the world ? i am confused by your post, please elaborate.

KONAAs4064d ago

some american league players are good for europe, otheres are just good for america, neymar is one of those cases where he is only good in america, maybe asia,

Linwelin4063d ago

and you know this because he has played in Europe ?

KingPin4065d ago

i dont know why people have a thing about the brazilian league being weak.
plenty of great players came from brazil. im sure every 1 of you can think of 5 players off the top of your head.

why is it when spain won the world cup once, everyone is like "whooo spainish league is the most difficult in the world."
brazil wins it 5 times, its crappy. germany wins it 4 times, spanish football is still harder. brazil won copa america a few times too but i suppose south american football is too easy.

if messi was playing in argentina, scoring goals like he is now for barca, would you people still say he isnt that good and he is playing in a crappy Argentinian league? i mean in what other league does 2 players score more than 50 goals a season. does that mean the spanish league has the weakest defense?

(disclaimer: im not attacking any one league, im just showing you that peoples logic to compare one league to another makes no sense. im not picking on any specific teams/players. <thats for the fanboys> )

neymar has the talent to be great, not messi and ronaldo legendary, but great. he just needs the right coaching to mold him into a better player. thats something he isnt getting in brazil.

Linwelin4065d ago

The league is determined by the players that play in it, the reason the brazilian league is weak is because all the best players leave the league to play in the best teams in the world.

Messi playing in the argentina league would not get noticed the same no, because he is playing with players of lower quality.

wantedboys4065d ago

alot of people think that any league outside of Europe is weak and not worth watching!!

KingPin4063d ago

you know what makes me laugh, people say he must play in europe. if he moves to the french league <which is in europe> and he scores a ton of goals, they'll say his playing in an easy league.

those people shouldn't say he must play in Europe, they must say neymar must move to EPL, LaLiga, SerieA or Bundesliga.

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