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Real Madrid and Tottenham agree world record £86m Bale deal

The Welshman is set to be confirmed as a Real Madrid player in the next 48 hours after Spurs finally accept the deal, with Roma star Erik Lamela lined up as a replacement

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jak3y13oy3936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )

£86 Million... that is WAY too much for a player.. prices are getting too ridiculous now, Willian was sold £30million! i can't personally say he is good because i've never watched him but the point is that players prices will always rise (and wages) so much money is in this game and it shouldn't be used on players at this sum of money!

But anyway rant over...

I can't wait to see this guy in Europe! we need more British players to play in foreign countries as loads of foreign players play in our league.. (kinda like England in the workplace..) would also like to see Rooney move to Munich or somewhere! (Just not Chelsea or any other English clubs!)

imtiyaz63936d ago

I hope he does well( Wouldn't want to see €100 million go to waste). I think what will be key for Ancelotti is to keep both Bale and CR7 happy.

S2Killinit3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Excited to see this guy play alongside Ronaldo. I wonder where they want to put these two, they are both left footed... /:
hope they get along

BlackPhillip6663935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Ronaldo is two footed and can play anywhere. The coaches restrict Ronaldo nothing else.

Corepred43935d ago

and dominant right footed, right? Easy, Ronaldo on the left like always and Bale on the right.

--Onilink--3935d ago

well Ronaldo used to play on the right with Man U, so thats not out of the question either

Corepred43933d ago

Yeah but it's not like we're gonna switch him over to the right NOW.

asmith23063935d ago

Rumour at best but a fantastic bit of business by Spuds if this is true.

Jonnyquest3213935d ago

If he goes for more than 50million r.i.p football basically, fair play to Levy for extracting this much. He's a great player but has had one great season and before that he had a decent season, he is nowhere near Ronaldo's level. I'm thinking fans in Spain will expect him to be better than Ronaldo if Madrid pay more for Bale which will be hilarious because Bale's record really isn't THAT good, he didn't really get near a goal or assist per game whereas Ronaldo gets a goal per game excluding assists. Bale will be great and of course will get better but he just simply wont match Ronaldo, i just can't see it.

BlackPhillip6663935d ago

I agree with u there m8. The expectation alone could kill Bale`s game i would hate to see that but he would not be the first premier league player to be eat`in up and spat out by RM and tagged as a flop. This is just crazy money anyways for me RM are falling over them self`s just to be able to say they got a new player because Barca got Neymar in a bid to appease there fans. He would be better of staying at spur`s to be honest anyway time will tell.

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