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Madrid players were too busy queuing in front of the mirror, says Mourinho The 51-year-old Portuguese was not impressed with his players' attitude during his time at the Santiago Bernabeu outfit.

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Spiewie 3744d ago

Only Mourinho could say things like this he just doesn't care haha.

krazykombatant3743d ago

Would love to for Madrid to draw up against Chelsea. Mop the floor with them.

krazykombatant3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

for or against chelsea??

They're squad doesn't even come close to madrid's except at the back with Cahill and Terry.

fifa-man3740d ago

Chelsea always has a game plan you can say madrid has better players but Mourinho is a better Manger than Ancelotti (personal opinion) He'll have his chelsea side set up and play to frustrate Madrid he'll be prepared The Madrid team personal isn't too different since Jose left so he knows how to play against those players since he coached them same to Ancelotti but to a lower extent hes been away from cfc for a while and there team changed more. Five years ago today liverpool smashed real madrid 5 to 0 anything can happen on the pitch

krazykombatant3739d ago

I'll disagree in regards to Mou being better than Ancelotti, I think they're on par.

Madrid play a much different game now than when we played with mou. Additionally, the midfield has changed somewhat in terms of the quality of players that we have rather than when mou was in charge.

Don't get me wrong I agree anything can happen, and judging by the disagrees on my comment plenty of people think Real Madrid wouldn't win against Chelsea.

However, that being said Madrid would be the favourites going into a leg against Chelsea.

S2Killinit3742d ago

Oh man, this guy must be upset that Real is doing so good without him. In other news Chelsea tied with Galatasaray (; i wonder if he is just trying to draw attention away from that fact

Spiewie 3742d ago

I'd say Chelsea will destroy Galatasaray at Stamford Bridge even though they are a very good team...