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World Cup Snapshot: Arjen Robben Piñata Spotted In Streets Of Mexico…

Spotted hanging in the streets of Mexico by Xeu Deportes, some jilted Mexican fan has seen fit to make themselves an Arjen Robben piñata on which to thrash out their frustrations after the wilting Dutchman dived to con Holland a penalty against El Tri back in the last 16…

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sjaakiejj3615d ago

It's funny how they still blame Robben, whilst it's their defender that made a poor challenge in the penalty area.

cell9893614d ago

no hommie its the fact that he took a dive at the 92 minute mark that really burns. He took the dive and the ref rewarded him.

2pacalypsenow3614d ago

He got tripped and dived but the foul was there

cell9893614d ago

>:( barely touched him, he had already lost the dribble, the ball ran its course without him, he saw the lost opportunity and went for the dive as last resort >:(

sjaakiejj3613d ago

Doesn't matter whether he dove or not, fact of the matter is that the Mexican defender gave him a perfect opportunity to do it. It was a poor challenge, like it or not.

masterfox3614d ago

Where is Suarez piñata ? :D

cell9893614d ago

I also want to see a Neymar Piñata with a knee striking his back