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Footage of Kevin Davies’ awful challenge on Tom Cleverley (Bolton-Man United)

There was one downer on Manchester United’s storming 5-0 win at Bolton on Saturday, what looks to be a long-term injury (perhaps up to three months) to burgeoning young midfielder Tom Cleverley.

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buddymagoo4652d ago

Used to be a fan of Kevin Davies, not any more! I was really looking forward to seeing Cleverley this season and now he will be out for 3 months.


3 months?! I thought it was 6 weeks.
This is horrible news!

buddymagoo4652d ago

They think it is a broken foot :(

RedDevils4651d ago

It's 4 weeks, the scan just came out

no_more_heroes4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

As an Arsenal fan I know more about our players being on the end of leg breaking tackles than I'd like. I'm glad he was at least able to hobble off the pitch himself. A leg breaking tackle usually means a stretcher and an oxygen mask for us.

It most definitely could have been worse.

FlashXIII4651d ago

It's only a minor ligament injury. Painful for a few days but he'll be up and walking within a week.

guigsy4652d ago

Hopefully he won't be out for too long, Cleverley is looking like the natural successor to Scholes. The FA must discipline Davies for this, he also made a terrible tackle on Evra.

FlashXIII4651d ago

The ref saw it and didn't deem it punishable thus with the current (retarded) rules, the FA are powerless. Similar incident last year with De Jong when he broke that Newcastle player's leg.. the ref saw it, gave it a yellow and the FA couldn't do anything further.

krazykombatant4651d ago

LOL i like how he complains that he didn't do anything. He just blew in from the other side of the screen

T3MPL3TON 4651d ago

I love when this happens and people freak out like this. If it had been some other player people wouldn't care. Yes that was a bad challenge but come on.. people make bad goes all the time. The only reason people care is because Cleverley has so much potential. It's not even guaranteed that he'll be as great.. just assumption.

He got pegged. He'll bench rest for a while and move on and then when he lucks out and isn't as good as people think he'll people.. they'll all say oh well it must of been that time he got taken out.

jak3y13oy4651d ago

but keven davies always does tackles like this and hardly gets booked for it :/

horrible to watch...

FlashXIII4651d ago

It's funny how the FA start a "respect the ref" campaign.. how can they expect anyone to respect this ref when he lets challenges like that slide unpunished? Worst thing is, it's only like 10 minutes later before Davies goes and puts in another awful challenge on Evra.