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Welbeck reveals City snub

Manchester United striker Danny Welbeck has revealed that he was rejected by Manchester City as a junior.

However, the then eight-year-old Welbeck was not told he had been rejected and was soon recruited by cross-town rivals Manchester United.

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ProjectVulcan4456d ago (Edited 4456d ago )

Good for United then. He still has a long way to go (lets not forget he was only 21 end of November) but he has talent to burn he just needs to fulfil his potential. Even now he has to be worth at least 15m in this mad mad market for young english players. He has scored more in less games than Carroll this season who is 2 years his senior lets face it...

danikagrace4456d ago

I wonder if he was raised as a City fan then?

Great player, one for the future, and very happy to have him at United. Always great to see local talent coming through.

buddymagoo4456d ago

In the article he says he was always a Man Utd Fan.

badz1494455d ago

he may have said THAT for the kissass reason! unlike true fans, many players nowadays are not really into clubs they are attached to, they just want to play and get paid! nobody knows their inside besides themselves.

buddymagoo4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

Just because you were linked with a club doesn't mean you would support them. My nephew plays in the Manchester City EDS but he still supports Manchester United.