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Week #1 Prediction Contest & Comment Contest Winners.

Hey guys,

First week has been amazing, hoping to see more tough competition in Week#2. :D

Comment Contest Winner: *clinical* ( $100 Amazon Gift Card )

( Winner was picked on 'Friday 7th of April', That's When Week #1 Entries Were Closed And Week #2 Contest Started From Saturday 8th of April )

( Winner Was Randomly Drawn )
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League Matches Prediction Contest Winner: *Sahil* ( $50 Amazon Gift Card )

"Sahil Can See The Future" Apparently, as he Won Week#1 of the 'League Matches Prediction Contest' by correctly predicting 18 results, yes EIGHTEEEEEN.
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Lets move on to Week #2, details for League Matches Prediction Contest will be posted up in just a couple of hours, and as for Week#2 Comments Contest, there no need to wait for any details, just keep commenting, the more you comment the more chances you have to win.

Note-- Learning now that you won doesn't mean you'll get the winnings early as well, all the winnings from all Contests will be paid out by the end on next month.

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-Mezzo-2613d ago

Congratulations To The Winners.

Keep at it guys, still too many prizes up for grabs.