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Sneijder tells City he wants to join United but wage demands force Man Utd to drop offer to €27.5m

Wesley Sneijder has told Manchester City that he wants to join Manchester United but the Premier League champions have adjusted their valuation of the Dutchman to €27.5 million, can disclose.

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Community4698d ago
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CYBERSNAKE4698d ago (Edited 4698d ago )

If Sneijder is holding out for £230,000 a week, then f*ck him.

If he really wanted to play for Man Utd, he wouldn't need to demand such a ridiculous amount of wages.

guigsy4698d ago

No one seems to know what he wants. Some people think that he is willing to take a pay cut, others think that he wants to stay at Inter. I think any news about Sneijder should be taken as a pinch of salt from now on, I mean how many papers thought that the deal was already done weeks ago?

I_find_it_funny4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

quote from Wesley Sneijder please, as far as I can read he said "anyting can happen but I am happy at Inter" after the game

plus if Pastore a player who was never proven in european cups can join PSG for 43mil Sneijder is worth 60 at least, he won the freaking treble, was second in world cup.

kulka4698d ago

Inter won't let him leave for 27 milion he is a world class player

XboxInnovation4697d ago

Manchester City are so annoying. They just buy any player for the sake of buying players.

kulka4697d ago

I think they want to increase their fan base selling shirts etc so when the fair play rules come into play they will be making more revenues to stay top

mcstorm4697d ago

I agree with you but it proves that players just want money. City are a small team (city fans think they are big but wake up) the big names in football are man utd Barcelona rail Madrid liverpool and a few other. Ckity are now trying to make them selfs become a world name by buying big name players and having exclusive deal with fifa but the teams i put on here have history behind them and this is why they are big not because there owners have alot of money.
Also if he wants to play for united he will come but if he just wants the money then we dont want him.

XboxInnovation4697d ago

They're not a small club and have a decent history, but why I don't like them is because they were complete crap and had no core image before those arabs bought the club, now they're just buying any big name player without trying to build a team. I'm not the biggest Chelsea fan either, but at least they were a top 5 club, had a core complex and winning trophies years before Abramovic took over. And Chelsea's best players are either true Chelsea players, or players that became great with Chelsea (like Drogba)

b163o14697d ago

But City's name is in everyone's mouth lol. Wake up people, it's a new day, it's been a long time but @one point Utd had little history. Everybody's gotta start somewhere, City's got a sh*t load of cash and all I remember people saying they still want win a trophy_Utd went as far as having a banner_ and we got a trophy. Granted it just a FA Cup but never the less we got one. Next season we'll challenge for more (League Cup), and we are in the CL and that IMO is progress. Every fan should be able respect that.

CTID!!!!!!!!!! LMAO everyone's mouth!

mcstorm4696d ago

@b163o1 I agree united did not have a history at one point but they made there name with out £. It was a work put in by the club not buy out bidding everyone else for players to sit on the bench.

But what city fans need to look at is we have been here before with teams on the up. Blackburn, Leeds for example where are they now? Also city did win the FA cup last year ill give you that but this season will show what city are made of. What City fans need to realise is being in the Champions League is harder than being in the Uropa league and to be trying to win a cup as well as get back into the top 4 is not easy. This year we will have United City Chel Gunners Liverpool and spers all going for the top 4 as with Liverpool and spers not being in the champions league it will give them more to push for 4th this season.

Also to say city are on the up is to early you need to be pushing season after season and you have yet to do this. If you look at city at the moment they are still looking like it could go one way or the other.

Anderson84697d ago

his pricetag and wage demands are far too high especially given his age.. this is why i would prefer nasri he would cost half as much in both areas and hes alot younger