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CRank: 5Score: 20360

Great performance by our Gunners!!!!!
Maybe Arteta and Rosicky looked a little off the pace, but they just need more minutes to be 100% next game will do.

Napoli just looked scared though, they only shot and shot from long distance because they were afraid to commit men forward. Second half they tried to correct this but then noticed that Arsenal were just too comfortable for them and patient with the ball to even score once. Hell, Raina had to make a line clearance t...

3904d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was unexpected, something is off at Chelsea at the moment. Strikers not firing, Oscar their best attacker, Mourinho not starting their best player.

3917d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A so so game from Arsenal, lucky first goal but good and a great one from Ramsey. He should be in prison with all the murdering he is doing. Ozil and the rest of the team just looked like they didn't want to win. Overall to me, it looked like Arsenal were playing for a draw, no speed on the attack build up and felt fairly comfortable just defending. Hopefully against Napoli and Dortmund the team plays better. Well, 3 points out of the 10 needed in the bag.
Marseille on the other h...

3917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still can't believe he's playing for Arsenal.
Anyways the Wizard of Oz, Messist Ozil or Mesut Ozist can help change the recent history of Arsenal.

3918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Excellent. Lol, some people only care about his face not his legs.

3918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, he certainly stole the show.

3919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We need all of our Players to receive the Wolverine treatment to guarantee it.

3919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At the weekend I sort of approve of him joining Chelsea instead.

3919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

United will struggle if no diving is allowed. That seems to be Young's way of thinking

3919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Keep it together, no more injuries hopefully and maybe an addition or two in the January window and we might.

3930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We finally bought a made Star and for some odd reason it stole most if not all the summer transfer headlines.

3930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We'll take him and enjoy him.


Now Bale and a couple of others may not bod well with a few unhappy players and fans at Madrid for Ozil's sale. So he better deliver those 80mil+ in performances.

3930d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wonder if Man. United had the funds to sign a couple of 40mill players without including salaries. United may have been looking to buy expensive players but wanted them to take pay cuts to help balance the money at the club with FFP laws in mind. Most players would never accept that no matter how big the club is. Or Moyes cant attract them like Ferguson.
Is just fuk!ng weird that Man. United could not secure a class player(This coming from an Arsenal fan) that they obviously needed ...

3930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol theres no way in hell that Ozil would have landed in England without any media noticing.

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats just weird. how the hell were these impostors allowed to negotiate without checking credentials first?

3933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Need Rooney to get his head straight to be the AM United need or Bench him and give Kagawa a go maybe?

About Fellaini I would've welcome him at Arsenal as a CDM since maybe he could bully physical teams, but yeah that price is high.
By the way who is he replacing? Whats the need for him? United need an AM and someone to push Evra a little.

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think most of the United fans wanted a creative player that can play that final ball for the strikers. If Rooney gets his head straight he can do it, but it seems he wants to be the main striker and not play in the midfield. Kagawa seems to have been bought for marketing more than anything like Arsenal have with a couple of players from Asia. So he is not someone that either Fergie or Moyes ever thought off as a first choice player.

3933d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its now CONFIRM BY The English Media


3933d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

our starting 11 could look really good with him even with all the injuries.
Sagna Kos. Per. Gibbs


Walcott Ozil Cazorla


Rotation available when fit.
Jens./Sagna...RB....Per/Kos/V er.....CB...Nacho/Gibbs/Ver...L B (Need one more CB)
Wilshire/Rosicky/Ramsey/Ozil/ Cazorla/Arteta/Diaby....(CMs)
Walcott/Podolski/Giroud/Sanog o/Ox/Caz...

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Welcome, I hope he does well, at least to the point where he challenges for the number 1 spot.

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment