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Important how?? Played some of the most boring football of his and the players careers and the other teams just fell away its not like they had much of a challenge after City self imploded.

3324d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

probably not they have only just got 4th by the looks of it and thats WITHOUT europe being a distraction. Next year they will have it and that will be an issue its the only reason they have done better this year and Liverpool have fell apart. CL takes so much out of players and makes your team selection so much harder. United hasnt got quality in depth to cope with the title and the CL. Lets be hoenst if Liverpool perfeormed this season like last United would once again be looking at yet anot...

3324d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's been rumoured for a long time but I hope not in reality as he's never really had to prove himself he's always just took the reigns at the biggest team in the world at the time. City need a manager who can take them to the next level he's not really the manager for that. Pelegrini certainly is not either and was only supposed to steady the ship.

3419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wont happen because of the transfer ban as they couldn't replace him. Messi I can see going as he's unhappy right now the amount talked about is impossible to pass up but Suarez? Unless its mega money (which Arsenal never pay) then he won't go until at least that transfer ban is gone.

3419d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The guy has a temper.. He needs to be taught that he cannot lash out at players when he gets angry. He's an idol for young children who support the club and he gives off a bad image. Just like Luis Suarez I feel sometimes players like that aren't worth the baggage.

3419d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Jovetic is the done one tbh. Dzeko probably in the summer. Jovetic is better as a number 10 rather than a striker. At city we have plenty of them already in Silva, Nasri and Toure.

3432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If he comes back on Loan that would just be silly I mean whats the point of saying I need a change and moving on just to come back on loan?? He want's to move on with his career and actually win a title..

3432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Messi says one thing and the club president another. Who to believe? HMMM.. LOL of course the president is going to say this otherwise fans will lose faith and stop buying Messi shirts and the club will lose millions. Simple really.

3433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The guys had his best goal to game ratio in a sky blue shirt (over his entire career) . That's gotta be a sucker punch to Mourinho and his decision to let him go.

3440d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed just like with Liverpool last season they always right little city off and do so at there own demise as City like playing catchup it seems and Chelsea seem to have dont what Arsenal did last season and have started to capitulate around Christmas time.

But oh boy Mourinho cannot take the loss can he?? He cannot simply accept Spurs were better on the day it just has to be the FA scheming against him even though they have had more players sent off AGAINST them than any o...

3447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was never a red card! Cahill however should have been at least booked for that kick on Kane and could have been sent off if the ref saw it. If you watch the replay on the Hazard incident it was the right call. Even Hazard didn't protest and hes among the worst for it in the league!

3447d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had to do it against 10 men which is becoming a thing for Chelsea this season as it was the 5th game for them the highest of any team to have an opponent sent off against them. So for all there firepower they have had help this season.

3463d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It snot impressive as Liverpool were fecking awful. Sterling must be the worst as shooting on goal I have ever seen. De Gea did good I won't deny but a couple of those chances he shouldn't have even let the keeper get near.

3463d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Challenging for the title?? Win a few games and you think so?? Not really.. Your still 2-3 players away from City and Chelsea yet.

3463d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The guy has never settled down and cant see him settling at PSG either..

3688d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me too lol

3688d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the way they been playing throwing everybody up the pitch to try and outgoal teams and it seemed to be working for most games. It lead to Suarez getting the golden boot (no way hes not now) and them getting a ton of goals. But its also had the side effect of them leaking a ton of goals.

3688d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed SAF has somehow been limping on this squad for a good few years now. He has left and left them in quite big trouble. They should have patched the holes when he left but because he was such a good manager they never saw them until it was too late and without Europe this year I doubt they will get the quality needed to get back in Europe.

3688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Half your fanbase are bandwagon followers and will depart soon dont you worry. As for the one season, ask Liverpool how hard it is once you slip out of that top 4 to get back in. It's not easy and if Chelsea and City were not in change this season and utd didn't fall apart they wouldn't have got where they are. I don't think we will see utd back in Europe for a good few years now. So yeah one season does change things. As for dominance? HAHAHA. Okay mate whatever helps you sle...

3688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The crazy thing is now after yesterdays results if Barca beat Athletico on the final day of the league Real can win it if they win there game by a single point.

3688d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment