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Which part u think is sad, the part when i mensioned that Suarez is a goofy c*** and he likes to bite of pieces of human flesh or the fact that liverpool is a nasty scouser club that still think they are relevant and superior than every English club even though they sit in mid level table almost every year.....? truth can be a bitch!

4027d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hope this Goofy C*** leaves the country. Cant stand him. So fucking goofy. He can't help it,he has to bite people with he's evolutionary trait...the goofy teeth.

I hope Liverpool also go down to division 1. I think its for the best. They hardly a good competitor anyways.

4027d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Who in the right mind would turn down the spot to play for Real Madrid over a crappy Jew owned club that can't win any major trophies.

4028d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Germans have invaded Britain successfully in 2013

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is true then he will walk out every game cause in serie A its too common to be racially abused..

Well he wanted to go back to italy, let him enjoy it.

4042d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No...if u spent over a billion pounds on club and and players then u best be expecting more than just a single Premier League Trophy and a single FA Cup...the Arab owners must be pissed off for spending over a billion pound on a club that hasn't brought enough success for the price that u have invested.

1 Premier League trophy
1 FA Cup Trophy
hundreds of millions on new players

Not a success at all. That much money u spend, you'd expe...

4045d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

So Mourinho is defo leaving...its a definet

4048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certainly Mourinho is better than Moyes...he has achieved little. Its better to win than not win at all.

Moyes will prob slump United. He has no experience in european champions league/

4049d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wanted Mourinho and Mourinho said it himself that he wanted to succeed Ferguson in the future.

Moyes has done well with very limited resources at Everton. I don't have problem with Moyes but he has no European experience. A 6 year contract is stupendous for a manager who has not won a major trophy.

Its clear that Ferguson had the final decision. He defo wanted his fellow Scot to take over him when he quits. Its had to be a scot.

4049d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Barcelona have not been the same...the excellent 2009 Barcelona were the best the football world have ever seen. Zavi, iniesta have passed there peak.

The germans are rising power again...not just in the pitch but in europe. They have technicaly brought out countries like Greece, Cyprus ect.

This is the rise of Germany.

4058d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

hahaha United champions again!...LFC SUCKs hahahaha. When is the last time they ever won anything important..HAAHAHAH they are in the middle of the table.

Man United the best in country by a massive margin, liverpool are faaar down the packing order.

4063d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

A resurgent Germany is a threat to europe, again. The Germans arleady planned there domination of greece, portugal, cyprus and soon rest of EU.

4064d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im thinking of buying scumthorpe united

4090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment